For months I had been preparing myself to come to Tokyo to perform concert with the wonderful TMSO. We had chosen a great program and I was sure that all would work out fine. But the COVID-19 crisis has changed so much in our life. And with the government’s announcement of the prolongation of lock down in Japan there was no possibility any more to get a Visa and a permit to travel to Japan. I regret this very much since I would have liked so much to perform for you.
I am hoping that the planned concert of Beethoven 9. Sinfonie at the end of the year will be our next opportunity to meet, and I am looking forward so much this performance.
The COVID-19 crisis is causing so many obstacles to our life and to the way we used to enjoy music and concerts. But we should not give up our hope that there will be a return to our beloved concerts in a not too far future.
Please minnasama, take care, stay healthy and see you again soon!
第923回 定期演奏会Aシリーズ
2021年3月25日(木) 19:00開演(18:20開場)
会場 東京文化会館
出演 指揮/準・メルクル
ブラームス:交響曲第1番 ハ短調 op.68